Outdoor Beach Clinics
At the Sandpoint City Beach sand courts

2024 Season
NIVBC is now offering two age group options for weekly clinics to allow our younger athletes time on the sand courts! BOYS 7TH-12TH GR. SEE FLYER AT BOTTOM OF PAGE.
"Juniors" is for female athletes who will be beginning grades 7th through 12th this 2024 fall school year. We will have 3 courts available for use and plenty of coaches on hand so we can separate ages/skills as needed. Athletes can be moved between the different courts at the coaches discretion depending on skill level to ensure safety and best training environment for all. When you register you will select if your athlete is considered beginner, intermediate or advanced so that coaches can plan ahead of time for the groups.
Beginner: less then 2 years of competitive volleyball experience
Intermediate: 2-3 years of club volleyball experience
Advanced: 4+ years of club or any high school JV / Varsity experience
"1st Digs" is for ALL male and female athletes who will be beginning grades 3rd through 6th this 2024 fall school year.
*Registrations will go live by March 22nd 2024
NO prior experience needed to attend clinics!
NIVBC will host Beach Volleyball Tournament here is Sandpoint for high school students and Adults!
u12/u14 Mid July
u16/u18 Mid July
Adults Coed Aug. 17th
Adults Mens/Womens Aug. 18th
*Registrations will go live for tournament sign ups on March 29th
6 week season available but not required!
Tues./Thurs. clinics
June 18th - July 25th *no clinic 7/4*
Players can save money by signing up for the full 6 weeks package at once OR only register for a specific weekly sessions if they wish.
$200 If you register for full 6-week season. This cost includes NIVBC Sand Program T-shirt or Tank Top!​
OR $40 per week if you choose to register for only specific weeks throughout the season. Athletes selecting ala cart sessions do have the option to purchase T-shirt or tank top via our fan gear shop
Three clinic practice opportunities for our younger athletes.
June 25th
July 9th
July 23rd
You can save money by registering for all 3 or ala cart select 1 week at a time.
LOCATION: Sandpoint City Beach sand courts ​
$75 If you register for all 3 sessions at once This cost includes NIVBC Sand Program T-shirt or Tank Top!​
OR $30 per week if you choose to register for only specific weeks throughout the season. Athletes selecting ala cart sessions do have the option to purchase T-shirt or tank top via our fan gear shop
All club volleyball participants are required to have an Evergreen Region membership. If you purchased one to play in our club programs 2023 fall or 2024 winter you ARE covered for the summer clinics already. Please visit their website to activate your athletes membership.
Boys Beach Volleyball Opportunity
Summer 2024
Open to boys grades 7th-12th
No pre registration required!
Simply show up at the courts, sign the waiver, pay your $5 entry and PLAY.